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Clean Generation

Crowded cities, crowded slopes,

The time we have will soon elope.

We had our share of green and blue,

Let’s save it all for the generation new.

The sun will shine, the wind will blow,

But the trees and oceans long to go,

Oh, how nice would it seem to be,

To change our ways and save a tree!

Saving what we have for the new,

Is a trend that should be followed by more than just a few.

The generations ahead awaits what we have now,

Just be aware, we have the ‘know-how’.

So, why snatch that necessity from those who’ll represent us?

Environmental sustainability sounds like a big term,

But deep down it is just as small as giving the environment something in return…

Taking steps and measures to stop an Environmental ruckus.

Save energy, eat less meat, go paperless or produce your own wheat,

These are some small steps that take a little time on your feet.

But, trust me it will be worth your while,

In turn, you get clean air, clean water, and maybe a satisfactory smile.

Be a clean generation,

And be a part of a better world’s creation!

Written by Manaswini

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