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Loss of Biodiversity

Green Tumble terms the “crowd” of organisms that populate every corner of the planet, and that have adapted even to the most extreme environments, like biological diversity.

Biodiversity is the type of diversity that consists of various forms of life on Earth, including everything from different species to organisms. The diversity within the ecosystem showcases the evolution and ecological process of life. A multifarious environment holds a great significance in our life, and that is why, the loss of biodiversity gives rise to a lot of problems like decreased food security, disruptions in the food chain, climate change, loss of livelihoods, etc.

The Ecosystem provides crucial services such as pollination, climate regulation, nutrient cycling, etc. Furthermore, biodiversity holds value for unrecognized potentials such as new medicines and other possible services. Thus, we should value biodiversity for its intrinsic and utilitarian reasons.

Importance of biodiversity

1.Ecosystems provide services

Services are being implemented such as pollination, nutrient cycling, and climate regulation. these also have an effect on the industries based on pollination, nutrient cycle, and climate regulation- like horticulture, apiculture, and agriculture too

2.New medicines

Medicines could be provided due to the restoration that species manage to contribute.

3.Cultural Value

The cultural values display the connection towards humans such as reaching spiritual and religious reasons. It brings a sacred value between the environment and humans.

What is happening to the biodiversity of Earth?

Biodiversity is beginning to experience a decline due to the numerous actions and consequences that are caused by different activities. According to the UN and the IPBES, 1 million species are endangered out of 8 million.

Pollution, climate change, and population growth are all threats to biodiversity

These threats have caused an unprecedented rise in the rate of species extinction. Some scientists estimate that half of all species on Earth will be wiped out within the next century. Habitat destruction is a major cause of biodiversity loss. Species that are physically large and those living in forests or oceans are more affected by habitat reduction.

Causes of Biodiversity Loss

1.Destroying habitats

The destruction of habitats would come from certain human activities such as fishing, construction, and other negative impacts that the ecosystem experiences. However, seasonal aspects have also been one of the reasons for some habitats being demolished.


It is also known that pollution is mainly caused by human actions. Therefore, carbon gas emissions, plastics, and noise pollution have affected the biodiversity among different areas.

3.Climate Change

Climate change has been an issue for several years, Thus, when numerous levels increase, it affects the population of species and the structure of the ecosystem.


Although deforestation is relatively connected to destroying habitats, it is mainly a permanent action that was done mostly by humans through manufacturing or construction.

Solutions to this problem

To save biodiversity from being endangered, the possible solutions for conserving biodiversity are:

1.Habitat Restoration

Habitat restoration is accomplished through management, protection, and reestablishment of plants by returning abiotic factors and biotic factors of the environment

2.Nature Preserves

an area where animals and plants are protected and that has few buildings or homes

3.Sustainable Living

4.Educate/Spread Awareness

“Biodiversity is the greatest treasure we have… its diminishment to be prevented at all costs” __ Thomas Eisner

Article By- Ishita and Manaswini :)


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