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Rare Sea Animals: How did they become extinct?


Animals have been part of our nature since the beginning of human evolution. They have benefited us through the ways that mother nature considers fruitful and delightful. But over decades, a pattern has shown that there is an impact that potentially affects the species from its nature. A Rare species are considered to be threatened because of its small population size and its low probability to recover from ecological disasters. Many move into the endangered or vulnerable category if the negative factors affecting them continue to operate. Oceans cover over 70% of the earth’s surface. They not only serve as the planet’s largest habitat but also help to regulate the global climate. They inhabit more than 15% of all species. This 15% includes the rare sea animals

According to the IUCN RED LIST OF THREATENED SPECIES, 46% Amphibians, 26% Mammals 36% Sharks and Rays, and 28% Crustaceans are on the verge of extinction.

Some rare sea animals include:

  1. The Black Swallower- Also called Chiasmodon niger, is a type of fish that holds the extraordinary ability to completely engulf its prey. It lives in deep water and can swallow almost any creature measuring up to twice its size and ten times its mass.

  2. Cymothoa exigua- It is also known as “Tongue-eating louse” is a very strange animal that lives inside the mouth of another fish. It is a parasitic louse.

  3. Spotted Wobbegong- It is one of the rarest sharks (carpet shark) in the world. Physically, they are not as fearful as other sharks. However, despite its flattened body, this species of shark is just as good a predator and hunter as its other shark relatives.

  4. Blobfish- The Psychrolutes marcidus, commonly known as the blobfish, is strange-looking fish. It lives in Australia and Tasmania’s deep oceans surrounding, at depths of 1,200 meters. Pressure this deep in the ocean is more than 120 times higher than that of the ocean's surface. As a result of this high pressure, the blobfish looks like a gelatinous mass and has very little muscle.

What is happening to these rare sea animals?

Over the years, sea animals are currently on the brink of extinction as they have become more endangered on the planet. This is due to the habitat destruction that was mainly affected by the human population and climate change. As these actions continue to spark within marine life, it is certainly going to be causing sea animals to be near the line of extinction since conditions are occurring towards them.

Human Activities

The human population has impacted habitat loss such as manmade construction, industries, factories, tourism, and usage of plastics. Although it is not fully the fault of humans to take the most credit for damaging the sea nature, certain groups do partake in the actions like the producers. It is common to be competitive in the human world which is why producers often try to make one thing be a part of a situation like the resourcefulness of the ocean. With this advantage, producers will bring it into the market which would damage the habitat such as the coral reefs and fragile wetland.

Climate Change

As mentioned, it is not entirely the humans’ fault for damaging the habitat loss. Climate change has been an issue for some time now as scientists are trying to figure out the consequences that correspond with the issue. When the Earth’s temperature rises, the oceans absorb the remaining heat which causes the sea population to be affected by this heat. In other parts of the world, when there are warm temperatures, the ice caps and glaciers started to melt which raises the sea levels. Additionally, oceans absorb high levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide which the gases dissolve into carbonic acid. These factors disrupt marine life, causing it to be endangered in the world.

What can we do to save them?

As these species are continued to be endangered by the negative factors within our planet, we as humans could continue to use our resources and opportunities to create a better future. From The Terra Project, here are some examples of what we can do to save them:

a.) Choose sustainable seafood choices:

Sea animals are often caught and sold to the market in which continuously reduces the species living within the ocean. Therefore, being aware of the exploited marine population would recognize the unsustainable method that the market implements towards the people.

b.) Reduce the use of plastic and energy consumption::

In some circumstances, certain items often affect the biodiversity as well as the habitats that these species go through. It is quite common in the industry to sell these products which negatively affects marine life. Hence, it would be better to try to avoid these items such as coral jewelry, shark tooth necklaces, starfish decorations, or any sea-related products.

c.) Reduce the use of plastic and energy consumption:

Within our society, we are known to be contributive when it comes to the use of plastics and energy consumptions since they are a huge part of our daily necessities. However, did you know that if it affects the climate, it would also impact the climate change on the ocean? Thus, we shall try to reduce the use of plastics since it takes part in habitat destruction (killing most of the marine population) and energy consumption such as the electricity in our homes, cars, and saving water.

d.) Join organizations:

It is highly recommended to join some organizations, mostly marine-related, as there are a lot of establishments that have a mission to protect the ocean in terms of preserving rare sea animals, environmental cleanliness of the ocean, and advocacy/collaborations with others foundations. Taking part in these kinds of projects will promote activism around. Therefore, you could start by joining a local organization nearby and start working!

e.) Educate yourself and spread awareness:

Lastly, it is highly important to educate yourself regarding the topic at hand and to try to spread awareness of the issues that correlate to the endangered sea animals that are badly affected by the surroundings that are caused by our environment. Learning these will not only give you knowledge regarding the crisis occurring but could also encourage others to join the movement. Spreading awareness to this topic towards social media and other platforms will have a better chance to create an audience into being educated about the issue.


Written by: Manaswini and Jules

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