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Sustainability Tips

We understand that it’s difficult to make the first step towards sustainability and to maintain that mindset. However, one small step or one small change in your lifestyle can make a difference. Your efforts are important! We encourage you and are with you as you strive for a better future.

  1. Packing leftover dishes into reusable plastic containers instead of using plastic wrap.

  2. Composting.

  3. Limit food waste whenever possible and only buying what you will eat.

  4. Walk, ride a bike, or carpool at all available times.

  5. Look into taking digital notes or using less paper for paper notes.

  6. Repurposing old objects to find a new use for them.

  7. Regifting gifts that have not been used

  8. Thrifting for new clothes or doing a clothing swap with friends

  9. Limit consumption of new clothes and/or products

  10. Buying more Eco-friendly products

This week we have a shorter post, but remember our team/executive applications are open, and all of the links can be found on our instagram page/linktree! Remember to practice sustainability as often as you can because we must be mindful of our carbon footprint in order to sustain the Earth and life on it.

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